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the biostation nutrient injection therapy menu

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bLean Shot 

Rev up your slim-down and boost your metabolism with this energizing, fat-fighting formula.

Stimulate fat loss with this specialized formula that includes L-carnitine to help your body burn fat for energy, along with MIC to further eliminate fat and toxins from the body, plus the most readily absorbed form of vitamin B12 called methylcobalamin to increase your metabolism and overall energy.

Book your complimentary
InBody + Nutrient Injection

We respect your privacy. Your information will never be shared

Book your complimentary bLean shot


($25 Value*)

MIDTOWN FIVE - 115 northeast 32nd, suite 102, miami, florida 33483


bLean Shot 

($25 Value*)

Stimulate fat loss with this specialized formula that includes L-carnitine to help your body burn fat for energy, along with MIC to further eliminate fat and toxins from the body, plus the most readily absorbed form of vitamin B12 called methylcobalamin to increase your metabolism and overall energy.

*One complimentary bLean shot per patient.

*One complimentary bLean shot per patient.

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